In April 2013
Chandra Lekha Sriram and I co-hosted an invitational meeting of the
Folke Bernadotte Academy's Rule of Law Research Working Group at SOAS, University of London.
Chandra offered the following generative theme of 'Addicted to Law?':
is well documented that an ever-increasing range and volume of activities are
conducted under the umbrella of the Rule of Law--whether in response to acute
crisis, prolonged instability, political transition, poverty or inequality.
When presented with symptoms in the form of social, cultural and institutional
problems, do we too readily diagnose rule of law failures? Do we then too often
reach for rule of law cures--invoking tropes such as justice and human rights?
Participants are invited to consider what their research and practice reveals about the
possibility that we--donors, recipients, commentators and lay-people--are
addicted to law. The following questions may prove to be productive:
Who are the addicts and the
What are the symptoms of
What are the triggers for the
What are the effects of the
Are there safer alternatives?
How might we identify the proper dose?
Thanks to Folke Bernadotte Academy for generous financial support.
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