Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Categorising visual materials

This experiment follows on from an attempt to visualise sociolegal concepts using found images. Both experiments are part of my research (funded by the Socio-legal Studies Association) into the use of graphic design by civil society actors in relation to econolegal aspects of the current talks between Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots regarding possible reunification of the islandMy intention was to gain a more systematic understanding of my growing collection of visual materials for that project.

I chose to rely on the typology set out by Gillian Rose in her Visual Methodologies, the most comprehensive, sophisticated and yet accessible that I have found. This typology identifies four visual 'sites': of the image, of its production, of its circulation and of its audiencing; and it suggest that each of these sites should be considered in respect of three 'modalities': technological, compositional and social. 

I typed out each of these 9 categorical terms, printed them out and cut them into strips. I then printed out representations of each visual material in my collection. Both of these steps were useful because they added weight to my consideration of each individual term/image and to their collective nature.

I then collected the visual materials together under the relevant categorical term, paying attention to evidence of breadth, depth and gaps in the collection.

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