How to read an object
This audio recording demonstrates how to read an object using a methodology proposed by Jules Prown (1982). The object 'read' in the recording is a calliper (DU_124) from the David Usborne collection at the UAL Archives and Special Collections.
Prown's methodology (Summarised below) is 'based on the proposition that artefacts are primary data for the study of material culture, and, therefore, they can be used actively as evidence rather than passively as illustrations.’ (Prown 1982 p.1). The term artefacts is fairly broad, including, for example: art (paintings, drawings, prints, sculpture, photography); diversions (books, toys, games, meals, theatrical performances); adornment (jewellery, clothing, hairstyles, cosmetics, tattooing, other alterations of the body) ; modifications of the landscape (architecture, town planning, agriculture, mining); applied arts (furniture, furnishings receptacles) ; devices (machines, vehicles, scientific instruments, musical instruments and implements).
Summary of methodology
1. Description: ‘what can be observed in the object itself…internal evidence’. Start general then get specific.
- Substantial analysis (measurements etc)
- Content (decorations motifs etc)
- Formal analysis (visual character)
2. Deduction: ‘what would it be like to use or interact with the object?’ or ‘if representational work ‘to be transported into the depicted world’. Handle it, use it. Note conclusions must be reasonable, common sensical.
- Sensory engagement
- Intellectual engagement
- Emotional response
3. Speculation (‘What is desired is as much creative imagining as possible, the free association of ideas and perceptions tempered only, and then not too quickly, by the analyst’s common sense and judgment as to what is even vaguely plausible’ Prown 1982 p. 10).
- Theories and hypotheses
- Program of research (for validation)
Prown, J. D. ‘Mind in Matter: An introduction to material culture theory and method’ 17:1 Winterthur Portfolio (Spring 1982) pp. 1-19
Labels: Activities, Graphic design, Objects
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