Thursday, September 22, 2016

Sociolegal image-text on the fly

When I see something that triggers a sociolegal thought I usually take a photo and tweet it, usually tagging the ever-obliging @SLSA_UK.

The tweet text reminds me of the thought that was triggered by the image.

All of which goes to my increasing confidence in the idea that images and text are best served together. And hot? So I shall continue to collect examples here as and when.

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Mass sociolegal visualisation

'Law and governance are intimately entangled with time'. So began the call for papers for an international conference on 'New' legal temporalities: discipline and resistance across domains of time', the third event in a two year AHRC-funded Regulating Time networking project, co-organised by Emily Grabham (Kent) and Sian Beynon-Jones (York).

I designed and facilitated the opening plenary workshop in which about 50 participants performed two experiments en masse. The aim was to encourage collaboration, openness and to focus attention on the conference theme.

Photo release forms were obtained from all participants.

Experiment I: Text and/as image
Worksheet for Experiment I: Text and/as image. Printed A3.

Keywords for Experiment I. Selected from conference abstracts. Printed A3.

Images for Experiment I. Selected from my own collection. Each of the 88 images printed at A5.

Experiment II: Model Making
Worksheet for Experiment II: Model Making

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Thursday, September 15, 2016

Object-based econosociolegal brainstorming

I used a visit to Room 72: Ancient Cyprus at the British Museum to experiment with a spot of object-based econosociolegal brainstorming.

My aim was to use the objects as prompts for rapid reflections on the econosociolegal past, present and future of Cyprus, particularly in the context of the current round of Cyprus-lead UN-facilitated talks aimed at the possible reunification of the island.

I tweeted my results as follows:

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